TA 101 Workshop by Chitra Ravi | Jan 18-19, 2013 – Indira Nagar| Bangalor

Transactional Analysis, so what!

I never knew I had a life script. And that there was a repeated pattern in the way I sought attention, fought anger, responded to attention or rebuffed people. I was surprised by the realization that my life was playing out a plot that I had scripted when I was 5 years old.

It was then reassuring to know that I was not the only one. It was unraveled to me that most of us when responding to a situation or in a social situation are playing out larger plots that gets written by our own self till the age of 5. After the age of 5, once the basic plot is set, we play out the emotional records or scripts based on the plot. It could that of a prince charming or a tragedy king or Sulk Hogan. Or that of a Beauty queen or a Diva or a prima donna or dutiful danni. Ok the stories are my own imagination. But yes we all have our own scripts and to validate our stories we play games. We can change our scripts, rackets, games and plots.

I could go on the hard way explaining how one can acquire amazing insights about their own selves. This is even when one is smug that one knows every thing that there is to know.

But then there is an easy way to achieve greater awareness about what makes you tick. Please do attend a two day workshop on Transactional Analysis like I did. Especially, I do think that people in a relationship or those who are raising young children can take advantage of the perspectives that can come about in the workshop.

And the best part of the TA workshop is Chitra Ravi. She has this way of nicely and easily and gently nudging you towards some life changing awareness about why we do what we do. 

Their are limited seats (she admits only 12 people for the workshop at a time) and if you are interested please-

Register here- http://goo.gl/W6PCS

I am very sure it will be worth your while.

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

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so I wait for you like a lonely house
till you will see me again and live in me.
Till then my windows ache.

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